Taqaddam is an ongoing regional youth skills capacity building project (co-funded by BC and partners) that focuses on development of soft skills, and key life and employability skills. It is being implemented in eight countries across the region. This programme will give young people across the region skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work. The content of the programme was created in close collaboration with the UK charity organisation Spark+Mettle. 

We launched the first two workshops of Taqaddam here in Jordan for 12 teachers, principals and 104 students from 24 to 27 of September 2018. Six schools are taking part of Taqaddam programme this year, five schools are from Amman and one from Aqaba. The workshops helped participants to have a better understanding of the programme and helped students to boost their life skills.

Main Objectives

  • To provide young people with an opportunity to develop personal skills and capabilities that will enable them to successfully transition from school into the next stage of their lives.
  • To engage with young people in ways that build their confidence and enable them to develop as effective and responsible citizens, and also as successful lifelong learners.
  • To raise the aspirations of young people in order to stimulate and increase their motivation to embrace change.

Why Taqaddam

  • Young people need skills that will support them to be more successful and better prepared for life.
  • Young people graduate unprepared, lacking the Skills and facing prospect long-term unemployment.
  • Employers across the region complain about the skills gap.
  • On policy level unemployment is a pressing challenge; requiring government, education institutions and business to come together to provide young people with the skills they need to have a better life.