Since 2021, the British Council has been taking gradual steps to advance the art and disability agenda in Jordan utilising connections and links with local, regional and UK partners. Through a systematic series of programme interventions, the British Council is proud to champion the agenda of inclusion and art and disability in Jordan to encourage a more accessible and inclusive arts scene.
Arts for All Week
The British Council in Jordan initiated the action under this programme through utilising building local and regional relationships with the sector through the Arts for All Week which was a scoping in action exercise that included a series of sensitisation sessions, seminars, sectoral dialogue-sessions with UK and regional experts and showcases of art and disability work from Jordan and the region. As part of this week, stakeholders in Jordan were introduced to the extensive British Council’s published reports Reflections on Change and Time to Act. The week culminated by producing a needs assessment report by Art to Heart Palestine to guide future programmatic interventions in the area.
The regional and UK connections made through the Arts for All Week paved the way to the first of its kind SyncArabi leadership programme launched in partnership with the esteemed Shubbak Festival in the UK and the Global Sync Leadership Programme. This specialised coaching and mentorship programme took place in Amman in February 2023 and was aimed at enhancing the leadership skills and artistic impact of 8 disabled artists and cultural leaders from Jordan and Palestine. marked a pioneering step as the first of its kind in the MENA region.
Read more about SyncArabi through visiting the blog written by the Co-Director of Shubbak Festival: Sync Arabi at the raw intersection of disability and mobility justice in the arts.
“I cannot speak for the others, but I certainly left Sync Arabi giddy with the power of a collective dream.”
Alia Alzougby, Co-Director. Shubbak Festival
Watch the Think Sync Arabi Film to join the "Journey with our 8 artist activists in this film in which they reflect, chew, laugh, rage and choose hope in an overwhelmingly ableist cultural sector, wherever the non-normative body finds itself in the world."