The PSGN Reward Offer was launched in September 2014 and has gone a long way to addressing the needs of schools. It was developed in response to the stated needs of stakeholders within partner schools. We regularly conduct monitoring and evaluation to ensure the offer continues to meet the needs of partner schools and creates impact.

This PSGN Reward Offer in Jordan consists of the following three categories: 

PSGN Reward Core (free for all partner schools)  PSGN Reward Plus (optional free)  PSGN Reward Advance (paid for services)
Schools Orientation High Achievers Awards MENA UK Study Tour
Schools Welcome Pack Principals' Forum Schools Now! Conference
School Exams Handbook   Closed Group Trainings
Parents Training Workshops   Leadership Training
E-Safety Handbook for Parents    
Partner Schools Newsletter    
Online Teacher Training/Discussion Forums    
Online CP Awareness Training    
Online CPD Training    
PSGN Cooperation plaque    
Your World Competition    
CPD Resources for School Leaders    



The PSGN Reward Core Offer

The PSGN Reward Core Offer is free and available for all partner schools and has been mapped across stakeholder groups (please see below table). This means that all stakeholder groups in schools have a fixed set of services that are free to access which makes it easier for schools to clearly see how the offer benefits them.For example, for parents, we offer resources that better enable them to support their children with their studies along with handbooks and orientations on the British programme and PSGN services. As for Students; we have a global film-making competition for them called Your World which is a fantastic opportunity for students to unleash their creativity as this competition renders flexibility in choosing themes and ideas and allows them to share aspects of their lives and learn about the lives of other students from across the globe. 

The PSGN is committed to raising awareness of Child Protection issues alongside Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in our partner schools through on-going training and distribution of relevant resources to support parents and teachers.

Leaders Teachers
Welcome Pack Online Teacher Training
Online Child Protection Training Online Child Protection Training
EDI Awareness Training EDI Awareness Training
Schools Newsletter Schools Newsletter
CPD Resources CPD Resources and webinars
Quality assurance Quality assurance
PSGN Cooperation Plaque Discussion Forums
  Schools Orientation
Students Parents
Schools Orientation Parents Training
Your World Schools Orientation
Exams Handbook for Students E-Safety Handbook
  Exams Handbook for Parent

For example, for parents we offer resources that better enable them to support their children with their studies along with handbooks and orientations on the British programme and PSGN services.

As for Students; we have a global film-making competition for them called Your World which is a fantastic opportunity for students to unleash their creativity as this competition renders flexibility in choosing themes and ideas and allows them to share aspects of their lives and learn about the lives of other students from across the globe. 



The PSGN Reward Plus and Advance Offers

These offers are usually offered as paid services depending on available resources. The following table demonstrates the distribution of services against stakeholders mapping. The Reward Plus Offer in Jordan is offered free of charge for our network of PSGN schools 

Leaders Teachers Students
Principals' Forum High Achievers Awards High Achievers Awards    
MENA UK Study Tour Closed Group Trainings  
Schools Now! Conference    
Leadership Training    
Post-Self-Evaluation Consultation    

Highlights of PSGN Reward Offer  

The PSGN Reward Offer was launched in September 2014 and has gone a long way to addressing the needs of schools. It was developed in response to the stated needs of stakeholders within partner schools. We regularly conduct monitoring and evaluation to ensure the offer continues to meet the needs of partner schools and creates impact.

Reward Advance  

UK Study Tour 

The aim of the UK Study Tour is to support our network of PSGN schools with exposure to the best of UK Education and available support and opportunities through facilitating access to international qualifications from the UK and institutions including the examining boards, schools as well as educational and higher educational entities that contribute to the structure, delivery and development of the UK International Curriculum. The aim of these networking events is to introduce schools to the recent updates related qualifications and services as well as having access to support initiatives related to the delivery of the UK international curriculum in their schools i.e. workshops and sessions on assessment, teachers’ professional development, learning and teaching methodologies…etc. 

This trip is aimed at schools’ management staff related to the UK International Curriculum (e.g. principals, programme coordinator or any equivalent). For the past 7 years, the UK Study Tour was a rewarding scheme established in Egypt and Jordan and covered schools that were either sponsored by the British Council or self-paid. 

In 2018, Saudi Arabia was included in the scheme through sponsoring schools to attend the Tour, and for 2019 Kuwait has joined in too. 

Schools Now! Conference 

The goal of British Council’s Schools Now! Conference is to encourage thought leadership in the education sector through interaction, the exchange of ideas, and collaboration. Over the course of two days, we hold keynote speeches, plenaries, panel discussions, breakout sessions and gallery walk, featuring school leaders, examining boards representatives and education specialists from around the world. We explore initiatives impacting education, and also hear from students on their views about education in the present and the future.  

Reward Plus  

High Achievers Awards - Queen Rania Outstanding UK Learner Awards (for Students and Teachers)

The Queen Rania Outstanding UK Learner Awards honours high-achieving students who have scored the highest marks in the IGCSE, International GCSE, IAL and A-level exams set by Cambridge Assessment International Education and Pearson Edexcel. Culminating in a prestigious awards ceremony each year, the Queen Rania Outstanding UK Learner Awards, conducted by British Council Jordan in partnership with Cambridge and Pearson Edexcel, have been celebrating student success on an annual basis since 2003.   

Moreover, in line with Her Majesty’s ambition to recognise the efforts of influential teachers, Cambridge and Pearson Edexcel present a special Teacher Award to recognise and celebrate the work of inspirational teachers, who deliver international examination syllabuses in Jordan and, who have made an exceptional impact on their schools as well as students.

Principals Forum 

An annual meeting with schools’ leaders to share updates on the British Council products and services, review last year’s work and plan for next year. The meeting includes a variety of sessions delivered by different presenters and will include a feedback session to discuss some of the major updates and changes that took place last year with our network of schools.

Reward Core  

Your Wold competition (for Students)

Students who take UK school examinations are invited to work in groups and submit short videos to offer a window into their lives and their communities, for the world to see. This is a fantastic opportunity for students from around the world to use their creativity and connect with each other while providing a window into their unique lives, environments and experiences. By participating in this competition, students will be developing these six core skills which will enable them to grow into well-rounded, creative and critical citizens, ready to engage with job markets and shape the future for themselves and future generations:

•Critical thinking and problem solving

•Collaboration and communication

•Creativity and imagination


•Digital literacy

•Student leadership

It is becoming increasingly common for students to demonstrate activities they are doing outside of the classroom in support of their applications. This competition will demonstrate a commitment on behalf of students to developing themselves proactively in their free time and their awareness about social and environmental issues around them. Each year, there will be a set theme for the competition which students need to present their work according to. There will be a certificate ceremony for all students who enter. The winning video at country level will then go to the regional finals to decide global winners. The global winners will be invited to attend a summer school in the UK at a British Council accredited school along with their teacher.

PSGN Online Support for Schools Platform (OSS)

 This OSS forms a central part of our PSGN Reward Core Offer and as such is free for teachers and leaders across all our partner schools. Most of the training on the platform is aimed at teachers and is mainly focussed on teaching skills such as classroom management alongside continuing professional development (CPD), child protection and special educational needs (SEN) awareness raising training. We leave the subject-specific training to the awarding bodies.In the first 9 months since launching, over 17,000 teachers and leaders have registered on the platform. There is a huge appetite for online training within the network along with high levels of activity on the discussion forums and webinars. Teachers in many PSGN schools are employed based on their subject knowledge rather than their pedagogical understanding. It allows teachers free and flexible access to professional development training. The OSS seeks to address these skills gaps with training that meets these needs.

 To know more about continuing professional development (CPD) opportunities for leaders and teachers, please check the below downloadable document.