A-levels offered me the chance to express my opinions and to be able to view the world from a new perspective as well as gain research skills and form coherent arguments.
My name is Alexander Rabadi. I am 16 years old and have just concluded my A-levels in Jordan during 2014-15.
Why I took A-levels
The subjects I took were physics, chemistry, biology and math. A-levels have given me the opportunity to go in depth of subjects as they have the most suitable curricula that do not only provide one with knowledge, but also help in paving the way for choosing a relevant course major to study in the future.
How taking A-levels with the British Council has helped me
The British Council held the A-level exams at punctuate dates and times as well as provided a very supportive atmosphere for candidates.
If I had a tip for A-level students
A-levels need hard work. Always do all the past papers and make your own revision guide.
Register every AS/A2 of the same subject in the same session, which will help in presenting a complete view of the whole subject.
What is next for me
I will be graduating from school this year. I have applied for universities and I know I am ready as now I am able to use the knowledge and experience I obtained through A-levels.