paint pots and banner announcing winners of the UK-Jordan centenary competition

A panel of judges from the British Council and the British Embassy in Jordan has selected the top three winners from each category.

Congratulations to them and to the runner-ups!

Expand each category section below to see the names of the top-three winners and their category's runner-ups.

Younger children category (6-12 year-olds)

Prize winners

  1. Layan AlZawaharah
  2. Anwar salah AbouAlHaj
  3. Amir Farajat

Runner-ups (in no particular order)

  • AbdelRahman, Sara and Marya Hassan AlJuneid 
  • Joud Maan Sattam
  • Lamis Amin AlSamady
  • Salma najati AlZyoud
  • Tarteel Ahmed Salem AlSarayra 
  • Yasmeen Alqaryouti 
  • Eileen Mahmoud Albitar

Older children category (13-17 year-olds)

Prize winners

  1. William Shahwan
  2. Layan Kamal
  3. Adeeba Ahmad

Runner-ups (in no particular order)

  • Julia Isaac
  • Ayham Hany
  • Heba Alhawajreh
  • Jana Bekhit Riyad
  • Raneem Haddadin
  • Rawaa Mahmoud Idrees
  • Shorouq Mahmoud Mobarak Abu Mhadi

Young adults category (18-30 year-olds)

Prize winners

  1. Juhaina Rawhaneh
  2. Janaritta/Manar AlArmooti
  3. Roaa Rafiq

Runner-ups (in no particular order)

  • Abeer Jawdat Khaleel Alkhataybeh
  • Duha Mohammad Al-Tarawneh 
  • Layla Al Hawari 
  • Wesam Qataweneh

All decisions of the panel are final and binding. No correspondence will be entered into. If you would like to consult the competition rules and terms and conditions, visit the competition's main page on our website.