Wednesday, 23 December 2015 - 15:32 to Saturday, 30 January 2016 - 15:32

The goal of the competition

To work on the involvement of talented young people in crystallizing vision and achieving the desired goal by making a short video that works on affecting the society in a creative and innovative way to change the prevailing thought regarding the stereotype of women, and supporting them in order to increase their participation in the Parliament, and working on shedding the light on women leaders in the Jordanian society.

Terms of the competition:

The contestant should meet the following terms:

1. To be of Jordanian nationality

2. To be between the ages of 15-30

3. The contestant should be involved in voluntary and humanitarian works 

4. The contestant should have the talent and ability to make short movies which are up to 5-minutes long.

The short movie should meet the following terms:

1. The idea should be innovative, diversified and not copied and should easily reach the viewer easily.

2. The work should not be previously displayed or presented.

3. Using various methods of images, individual interviews, images from the archive ... etc.

4. It should not include any insult to any individual or legal personality.

5. The movie should not include content, material or elements that are illegal, including the violation of intellectual property and violation of privacy.

6. The movie should not contain an advertising material.

7. It should be submitted in the standard Arabic or understandable colloquial language. If the film is in another language, Arabic translation should be included.

8. The movie should not include inappropriate images, scenes or sounds.

9. The short movie should meet high quality specifications and standards which shall be clarified to the contestant later on.

Date of submission and result announcement:

Please download the application form, fill it in and send it to the email addresses below. Submissions for the competition is open until January 30, 2016 and the names of candidates for the competition will be announced on the official Facebook campaign page “SheParliamentarian” on February 1, 2016. 

The movie preparation period will be from February 2, 2016 until March 7, 2016.

The announcement of the winner will be on March 15, 2016.

Note: The quality standards terms and the introduction video will be sent to the contestants after the announcement of the contestants, and the method of sending the movie via email will be clarified as well.

The winner will be chosen by a jury headed by faculty member Dr. Majd Al Kasas, from The American University in Madaba who has acting and directing experience for forty years.

The winner will receive a cash award of 700 Jordanian Dinar, and the movie will be displayed on several sites.

For inquiries and sending applications: or 

Phone: 00962 6 4603420 EXT: 1175 or 00962796056752

About the project

The "Women Participating In Public Life" project, which is implemented by the British Council in six Arab countries (Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan), provides support for women and builds their capacity on a large scale for their active participation in public life, including national and local political processes and organizes a range of activities at the local and regional level. 

Within this project, British Council Jordan has conducted a research project through the formation of a coalition of a group of researchers from eight local institutions. The research was based on a key question that examines the impact of women's economic independence, awareness and self-confidence in order to strengthen their participation in parliament. The participatory experimental research has shown the existence of a number of social, cultural and legislative barriers that limit the opportunities for women's representation in parliamentary life, along with the existence of economic and cultural barriers that also control women's relationship with their society role in general and in political and parliamentary life in particular. This consequently affects their role, size of participation and ability to make their voices heard.

This requires finding a regulatory environment capable of dealing with the human citizen regardless of gender, to represent him / her in the parliament, because he / she finds it able and capable of doing so, the choice should not be based on sex and more than that it should not be based on personal and relative relationships, and this requires different forms of political and legislative awareness where women participating in parliamentary forum - even if their participation percentage is 12% of the total number of Parliament members - play an important role through the model, impact and effectiveness that together with other factors form the pillars which can be based on for getting a greater number of women to the House of Representatives, along with the concerted efforts, support and faith in the ability of women to do so, then together we shall be able to get women to the Parliament.

The paradox here is while we are demanding the society to play its role in the election of women for the House of Representatives, we forget to demand the government to initiate women's parliamentary participation approach; through the Senate as well; as it is not required from people to rise to the responsibility level of getting women to the Parliament without an 

active role of the government in this area, so that the Senate will be divided equally between men and women; and so to provide the model for the leading role of the government in this area. Getting women to the Parliament is not only for being present in it, but also for motivating all the active and influential potentials of the society to play their roles in the construction, development and modernization process; for a more civilized society, a more diverse country, more comprehensive policies, and more credible decisions.

And to be able to achieve this, the British Council has supported a coalition of women's organizations that are performing a campaign to win the support to increasing the percentage of women's participation in the Parliament which is called "She for Parliament our responsibility - our interest" campaign.

Campaign objectives:

• Promoting public opinion especially that of young people and media practitioners towards the importance of, and supporting the participation of women in the Parliament.

• Society awareness and gaining public opinion for the importance of women's participation in the political life and their participation in the parliament.

• Amending the Election Law.

With your efforts, support and faith we are all capable of getting women to the Parliament, in excess of the current percentage of 12%, which requires the creation of an aware society and a supportive legislation which enable getting a greater number of women to the Jordanian Parliament allowing to go beyond social, cultural and legislative barriers referred to in the participatory experimental research and which in turn lead to not representing women in the House of Representatives.

Coalition Members:

  • Princess Basma Center for the Study of the Jordanian Women
  • Women's Network to support women
  • Thuraya Centre for Studies
  • Badia Ambassadors Cultural Association 
  • Solidarity Association Jordanian Women's Institute
  • Family Guidance and Awareness Center
  • The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development
  • Information and Research Center, King Hussein Foundation
  • Higher Population Council
  • Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs
  • The Jordanian National Committee for Women's Affairs