Tuesday, 08 September 2015 - 10:00 to Wednesday, 09 September 2015 - 10:00
Kempinski Hotel, Amman, Jordan

Registration is now open!

Human resource development against a backdrop of raising youth unemployment is a challenge facing governments and educators across the region. Creating conditions for employers to own and drive the skills agenda is essential to the development of effective solutions. 

This interactive one and a half -day workshop on Effective Employer Engagement will share knowledge and practical examples of existing models good practice. Utilising a combination of live speakers and video-links with smaller group sessions and discussion, we will consider how the employer led approach to skills is effective in the UK and might be applied within the MENA countries. 

Delegates will leave with some straightforward strategies and tools to support them in driving forward change. 

The objectives: 

• To share good practice and develop knowledge and understanding of the UK Skills Sector and best practice examples of employers working in partnership to develop work-ready skills. 

• To explore how different approaches to governance and funding arrangements drive the development of innovative technical education, encouraging employer invest in skills development and job creation (from the region and the UK). 

• To review the different elements of employer engagement in skills development, including creating academies and skills strategies based on demand supported by research. 

• To provoke reflection and critical evaluation of the key strengths and challenges of employer engagement approaches across the region and the UK through exposure to UK practice and expertise and follow up discussion. 

• To inspire and motivate participants to share knowledge, collaborate and develop international networks between participants from participating countries and with the UK. 

Who will benefit from attending? 

The workshop will benefit senior policy and decision makers, Sector Skills and Employer representatives, Donor agency representatives and senior education staff. 

Registration cost is 115JD - registration fee includes presentations and delegate pack, lunch - Day 2, and a networking dinner. Registration fees to be paid cash, cheque or visa at British Council Jordan/ Customer Service/ Rainbow Street. 

Deadline for Registration: Monday 31 August, 2015 

Registration for the Building Effective Employer Engagement is via a secure online registration system. For more information and to register please go to:   

Note: The Regional workshop is aimed at professionals in organisations active in the field of vocational and technical education and training. It will also be useful to those working in Higher Education and NGOs with a focus on youth and employability. Primarily with responsibility for planning and implementing programmes related to engaging employers to enhance education and training within their country. The workshop is restricted to 20 delegates to ensure the quality of the participatory sessions.